
Showing posts from October, 2019
Level 4. BLOG. Post 7  OPINIONS Choose 4-5 of these questions. For each of them, write a 40- to 50-word response describing your personal opinions on the topic. Total number of words: approx. 230 Leave comments on 3 of your classmates' posts + a comment on my sample post. What is your  opinion about: violence on television? adoption? having pets at home? chilean education? cloning? recycling? Immigration? legalizing marijuana and other drugs? In my opinion, PARENTS ARE TOO PERMISSIVE WITH THEIR CHILDREN NOWADAYS All parents love their children. Parental love is sometimes so big that it makes them blind. Parents don’t usually realize that they can hurt their children when they are too permissive for them. Young people, when they get older, they get used to having everything they want. “Easy come, easy go”- they don’t know how much effort it take to earn money or to go to work on regular basis. From my point of view, children get spoiled and they often hav